Wednesday 10 December 2014

Watercolour based artwork inspired by 8-bit Nintendo Games | A Parliament of Owls

Artist Adam Lister was inspired by 8-bit Nintendo games and created these beautiful oil paintings based on popoular cultural images

Modern Problems imagined as 1950's illustrations | A Parliament of Owls

British artist John Holcroft draws satiric digital illustrations that depict our commonly shared human flaws and social issues as they relate to technology and

An illustrator captures his husky in the North American wilderness | A Parliament of Owls

An amazing Tumblr by illustrator John Stortz documents the relationship he has with his white husky and the remote wilderness of the Western United States

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Sweden creates its own typeface | A Parliament of Owls

Swedish design firm Söderhavet has created a typeface just for Sweden and called it Swedish Sans

A new book reveals the inventions that didn't change the world | A Parliament of Owls

A new book reveals the designs created by Victorian inventors that never changed the world, with good reason

Beautiful Gifs capture Lyon train travelers | A Parliament of Owls

These stunning gifs by Francois Sola capture travelers using the Lyon train network in beautiful ways

Wednesday 3 December 2014

An amazing visualisation of air traffic above the UK | A Parliament of Owls

Data scientists have created this stunning look at the 7,000 flights that take place above Britain's skies every day